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Volcanoes National Park is one of the best places to visit in Rwanda. The country offers some of the best bird encounters in Africa there are over 750 species of birds recorded in the country to date, it is aided by the well-developed system of the country from the road network to transportation it is surprising by how much you can see while in Rwanda, the country its self may not be having restricted species to region, but it has 29 endemics of the great Albertine rift valley. Volcanoes National Park of Rwanda is a super destination north of the country in Musanze town it is most sought of when it comes to the mountain gorilla species and golden monkeys, the park is the oldest conservation area of Rwanda made which was made famous from the great works of the American primatologist Dian Fossey due to her great works on the mountain gorillas.

Birding in Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park is not only home to the mountain gorilla species but the forest hosts several bird kinds as well, it is home to over 200 species of birds several of which are endemics to the great Albertine rift valley region for birds of the park, birding next to the mountain gorillas in the montane forest. The bamboo forest is such an intriguing experience example species that can be encountered here include Rwenzori batis, Rwenzori Turaco, Rwenzori collared sunbird, Handsome francolin, strange weaver, collared apalis, brown woodland warbler, dusky crimson wing, brown necked parrot, dusky turtle dove, Graures swamp Flycatcher, handsome francolin,  Red-faced wood warbler among other species, to have the best birding experience in the national park it is important to have a good pair of binoculars, long lens camera, rain gear, hiking waterproof boots, long-sleeved shirts and trousers, and any other items of personal items

Birdlife in the Volcanoes National Park is best throughout the year, in the months of June-September, December – February is a better time to do birds, the trails are a bit drier with much ease in access, if you are interested in the migratory species in the park the wet season is the best one to visit it is a fruiting time which attracts many birds.

Other things to do in Volcanoes National Park include gorilla trekking, this sparks off early in the morning with a briefing from the park rangers, the gentle brown-eyed species stand out of the world’s primates, these are large, living in families of up to 20 members led by a male silverback, gorilla trekking takes 2-8 hours or even the entire day depending on how far the gorilla families have moved, the trail hike is tough hence it is important to consider a physical fitness when thinking of doing this activity, gorilla permits are purchased through your tour agent form the Rwanda tourism authority, Golden monkey tracking in the bamboo forested region, they are cute species and by far the most angelic creatures. Hiking the Dian Fossey as a way of paying tribute to the fallen American primatologist who died and was buried next to the mountain gorilla she loved the most, visit the Iby’iwacu community a group of residents living in the bamboo forest region of the park.

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