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Kibale Forest National Park is the most sought when it comes to chimpanzees, it is situated in the western part of Uganda covering the largest forest area of the Kabarole district, it is an amazing destination with 99% chances of seeing the chimpanzee, these have been scientifically proven to share similar DNA with the human race, it covers an area space of approximately 321 square kilometers, placed at an altitude between 1,160m – 2,607m above seas level, the park is one of the most popular destinations also known as the capital of primates, hosting 13 species of primates that can be most sought of on a visit to the national park.

Kibale Forest National Park

The prominent conservation area is famous for the primate walk which begins at the Kanyanchu visitor center, there are about 1500 individuals present in the national park, they are grouped in families led by a male Alpha, some of these family groups have been habituated for client visits while in the national park, Chimpanzee has been scientifically proven to share up to 98 % of the human DNA, they are characterized by their social intelligent behavior sighted with the ability to use tools like the use of sticks to collect termites from ant hills, chimpanzee have been tracked in the national park from the 1993 beginning at the Kanyanchu Visitor Center, walks in groups of six are done in sessions at 8:00am and 2:00pm east African time, it takes 2-3 hours conducting the activity, along the walk it is possible to see more primate species, on the other hand, the habituation process involves a whole day of doing tracing and learning about the primates. Tracking permits cost $200 for foreign non-residents and $150 for the foreign resident.

The biodiverse ecosystem besides being a shelter to the chimpanzee is home to about 120 mammal species, these are present within the park although they are rare to see, example species include elephants, buffaloes, and forest hogs to mention a few other primates of the park include olive baboons, black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys to mention a few and over 370 species of birds can be seen in the national park most of which are forest birds like the great blue turaco, Nathans francolin, blue-headed bee eater among other species birding in the park happens all year round you will be accompanied by experienced guides who will enable you to see most of the park species. Guided nature walks through the national park, are conducted through the well-distributed trails you will be amazed by how much you can see along the walk. Take a tour of the local community through to the greater crater lakes region.

Trips to the national park can be combined with other destinations, it is situated 6 hour drive from Entebbe to reach the Primate Park passing through the small beautiful villages of western Uganda by road, and charter flights can be arranged to the conservation area to land at the nearest airstrip.

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